Friday, January 20, 2012

January 20, 2012

We had Ella's second doctor's appointment last week.  After being discharged her weight went from 7.85 to 7.1 lbs.  They said they would like to see her back at 7.85 by that appointment (10 days later).  She went all the way up to 8.8 lbs!  She is a very good eater! 

We are finally getting on a better schedule with her.  She sleeps mostly during the nights (other than eating every 3 hours) and stays awake a lot of the day time. 

Ella's umbilical cord fell off the other day and now she can start tummy time!  Doctor said to make sure she is moving her head to both sides a lot, so we have been putting toys on the opposite side she is facing and she's great at turning around to look at them.  She used her playmat the other day (thank you Uncle Nolan) and even learned how to get the one toy to light up.  She's pretty darn smart......or just great at flayling her arms :)

Josh leaves today to go back to work.  I know he's sad to leave her, but probably won't mind getting some sleep!  Aunt Jenn is coming in today for the weekend and we are super excited to see her!

Friday, January 13, 2012

January 13, 2012

Ella had her first photo shoot today!  She's already a hockey fan!!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

January 12, 2012

Things are going really well around here.  Josh and I are getting the hang of all of this and able to help each other sleep quite a bit each night.  Ella has now had her first bath and a few walks around the neighborhood.  She eats a lot and puts herself into food comas all the time!  Even the dogs barking like crazy don't wake her up! 

She has the sweetest little face and I swear she smiles a ton....even though its really just a fart face.  The poor girl won't ever get dates with the gas that she has!  She sounds like a little machine gun sometimes and boy does it stink!!!  But we still love her anyway :)

Sunday, January 8, 2012

January 7, 2012

Just getting adjusted to everything now and finding ways to split "shifts" for sleep :)  Ella barely cries at all, so it makes it so much easier.  She doesn't even mind getting her diapers changed, even when they stink of rotten eggs and it bothers momma to change them!  She's sweet as can be and regardless of lack of sleep, Josh and I are just in awe of how adorable she is.  And she even had her first play date with Cooper!

January 5, 2012

Today we got released from the hospital and were happy to get home and back to our own beds!  We brought Ella in for her first doctor's appointment the next day to find out she had a fractured collar bone from delivery so our first night was pretty rough since we didn't know what was wrong and thought maybe it was some of the formula we gave her.  Poor girl was just sore and apparently really hungry!  She's a tough one though and since we found out and are just careful with her right arm she's been an angel. 

January 3, 2012

Ella has finally arrived!  She wanted to come on her own time, and decided that would be January 3, 2012 at 11:13pm.  She weighed 7.85 lbs at birth and was 21 inches long.  She is absoloutely beautiful.  Mommy and Daddy were ecstatic to meet her and love her so incredibly much!