Well Ella hasn't changed too much since the last posting, but had her first Halloween and had a great visit with Grandpa and Sharon. Ella dressed up as a garden gnome and had an eventful weekend. We went to the Woodlands Mall to see the other kids dressed in costume, then to the Children's Museum, and then trick or treating at a YMCA event. She was worn out! She picked out some candy, but only the kind that came in a bag that she could shake, shake, shake!
Ella's top teeth are finally starting to grow in and two poked through the last week and two more are very close. She loves to dance all the time, even if she hears the slightest bit of music. The other day she actually stopped mid-crawl to do a head-banging dance. It was hysterical. She is right on the verge of walking, but scared for some reason to stand up alone. We've tried it and she gets spaghetti legs and just collapses. She has the balance, but just afriad. I think it will happen any day, but I'm definitely not rushing it. She's already growing up way too fast!